English follows Japanese
<昔からどのような症状があったのでしょうか? また治療は?>
3歳下の次女は長女よりも背も高く健康に育っていますが、長女は病気のために、学校にもなかなか行けずに、Grade 2(小学2年)でストップしています。これからは、教育を受け続けてほしいと思っています。今回の件で治療に携わる方々と接して、娘は将来は看護師になりたいと申しております。娘の願いが叶えば良いと親として強く思っています。

[Transfer of Heart Surgery Technology to Zambia: We interviewed the patient’s mother (1)]
The second case is a 12-year-old girl who is recovering well. We interviewed the mother. The patient lives near Lusaka and is the eldest of two sisters.
<What kind of symptoms has she had for a long time? And what about treatment? >
When my daughter was 2 months old, she started putting back food she had eaten and stopped gaining weight. She was seen at a local clinic and referred to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH), where she was diagnosed with an atrial septal defect (ASD) and has been in and out of the hospital. She is prone to lung inflammation and has long complained of pain in her legs, and in the last month has experienced a semi-paralyzing condition. We have learned that heart surgery can cure her and have been very excited about having the surgery.
<How is your daughter doing after this surgery? >
My daughter is getting better day by day. She has developed an appetite and eats well, she is able to walk, and she is able to sleep well.
<What are your wishes as a mother? >
My second daughter, who is three years younger than my eldest daughter, is growing up taller and healthier than my eldest daughter, and my eldest daughter has stopped at Grade 2 because of her illness and is unable to go to school easily. I hope that she will continue to receive an education from now on. After being in contact with people involved in the treatment of this case, my daughter has said that she wants to become a nurse in the future. As a parent, I strongly hope that my daughter’s wish will come true.
<To the people of Japan>
When we first went to the local clinic, we were in despair. At that time, I could not imagine that my daughter would be in such a healthy condition as she is now.
To the Japanese people who support TICO, thank you so much for giving my daughter this kind of support. And thank you God.